The Racism Thread

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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by Thimmy Tue Mar 02, 2021 2:01 pm

McLewis wrote:
It's similar to the ridicule that the term "latinx" is seeing, which was created as a more inclusive way to encapsulate everyone of latin origin. Then there's the confusion between Latin and Hispanic. Most Americans do not see a discernable difference between the 2 and use them interchangeably. Put on top of that, the use of "hyphenated American".

That reminds me of this article I was shown by MT. Might be a better fit for the politically correct/LGBT thread.

What's the deal with the added x? It gives me the impression that it's merely an attempt to start a popular gimmick. It certainly doesn't appear to make things more inclusive.

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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by El Gunner Tue Mar 02, 2021 2:16 pm

'x' is just meant to be more gender neutral, afaik
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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by BarrileteCosmico Tue Mar 02, 2021 2:27 pm

McLewis wrote:
BarrileteCosmico wrote:
Lastly, Anya Taylor-Joy seems an intelligent enough woman to know that having a half-Argentine dad does not make her as Latina as say...Salma Hayek. I think the way this topic is viewed depends on how much effort is put into separating ethnicity from heritage from nationality. Personally, for me this would be more annoying if I were Argentine than if I were of Latin ethnicity and heritage. Yet, the thought that I keep coming back to is a few hundred years ago, she would be among the slaveholding Criollo nobility and not the enslaved black and indigenous natives. That's always another barometer to measure as well.

So on this one, as another white Argentine living in the US, I think I can contribute my own perspective. As far as I know, this is a claim being made about Anya rather than by herself.

But personally, I would never in a million years call myself a POC. POC, to me, is a label designed to encompass all the different peoples that suffer from some form of discrimination due to the color of their skin. I never have and probably never will, and appropriating that label would feel wrong to me however technically correct it may be.

The root cause of the issue is the US insisting on treating 'latins' like a race rather than an ethnicity (and even then there's wide disagreement about whether such an ethnicity even exists, the wiki page on 'Latino (US usage)' pretty much makes fun of the term). So it gets confounded into these race issues and creates these awkward situations.

It's similar to the ridicule that the term "latinx" is seeing, which was created as a more inclusive way to encapsulate everyone of latin origin. Then there's the confusion between Latin and Hispanic. Most Americans do not see a discernable difference between the 2 and use them interchangeably. Put on top of that, the use of "hyphenated American".

Some say the above should only be used by someone who actively immigrated to the US. If you were born here, you're just American, but that's different from non-hyphenated Americans (Irish Americans, Italian Americans, etc). That denotes heritage more than ethnicity. It's why some people have a problem with the term "African American" given many of us do not observe traditional customs associated with the heritage of the various African tribes. Slavery made sure many of us won't even be able to determine what tribe we descend from. Knowing that, I'm sure many black folks would happily adopt some of those customs, just as cultures do the same from their mother countries.

It's all very convoluted and it all means different things to different people in different cultures. As for Taylor-Joy. She's Caucasian and I think that's probably the way she sees herself.

Latinx is a whole other can of worms. A vocal minority loves it but most people hate it.

For starters, you can't say it in Spanish without it being awkward (do you say latinks? latinequis?). Then there's the fact that Latino in Spanish means anyone related to a romance speaking country, it has never meant Latinamerican. So Italians, French, Romanians, etc are all latins in Spanish. So the term was clearly not designed with Spanish speakers in mind. And if that's the case why even have it at all? 'Latin' is gender neutral and solves all these issues of inclusion if speaking in English.

But beyond that it also feels like rich (mostly white) highly educated people from the US that have adopted this woke movement are telling an entire continent that they know better, we don't know how damaging our own language really is, and here is a nonsensical solution we have come up with to shove down your throat instead. Some even claim it's a form of cultural imperialism, this time by the woke left. And it also feels a bit like 1st world problems since this is hardly at the top of the list of most pressing issues for Latin America.

All that said, speaking in 'inclusive' is now a thing. They've had to adapt the whole X thing because that doesn't work at all. But some young, left-leaning people are now swapping As and Os for Es. So 'el profesor' and 'la profesora' have now become 'le profesore'. They mostly get made fun of, but they're growing.

Personally, I don't mind too much, I'm open to the idea that some women get more out of this. But some people really really hate it. It wouldn't surprise me to find out this attack on spanish-speaking culture (which is how a lot of people see it) had a statistically significant impact on the raising hispanic vote for Trump.

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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by rincon Tue Mar 02, 2021 2:28 pm

The 'x' and the whole 'latino' thing is all an extremely poor attempt to act inclusively while overcomplicated everything and showing a lack of understanding.

Latino and latina are the Spanish gendered words for Latin. If you speaking English the correct term to use is Latin. But they use latino/latina, borrowed into the English language. So they import gendered words into an ungendered language.

To be more gender inclusive, they address the problem they created by then using "latinx" to avoid the male or female form, when all along there has always been a genderless term in English... Latin.

Unbelievably dumb.
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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by McLewis Tue Mar 02, 2021 4:23 pm

As with many things happening right now around being more culturally inclusive, the intent is well-meaning...but the execution is very lopsided. It's white folks on the left trying to own the responsibility of trying to correct the wrongs of previous generations. It's not always pretty and at times, it's super pretentious and cringe, but the effort is there at least when it wasn't a decade or so ago. That's progress at least, even if slow.

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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by Hapless_Hans Tue Mar 02, 2021 4:49 pm

Is Messi a person of color?

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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by Myesyats Tue Mar 02, 2021 5:22 pm

Young Kaz wrote:
Myesyats wrote:A country so desperate about getting rid of racism they're sure as hell obsessed with color

Every week in the news I see "first person of color to do this, first to do that"

She's whiter than my ass cheek btw and the supposedly liberal media fuel racism way more than any nationalist republican hiding in the woods and coming out once every 4 years to vote red.

I'm watching all this from across the pond like "What in the holy moly macaroni is that?" Maybe people wouldnt even think about race as much if it wasnt in the media every goshdarn week. Someone must be profiting off of that

If we ignore cancer then maybe cancer will go away?

Thats laughable. America is the beacon for the rest of the world because we have been able to have these uncomfortable conversations.

Well if race is not a real thing but just a concept then its in no way comparable to a disease. Theres no scientific basis for race
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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by Young Kaz Tue Mar 02, 2021 6:12 pm

Myesyats wrote:
Young Kaz wrote:
Myesyats wrote:A country so desperate about getting rid of racism they're sure as hell obsessed with color

Every week in the news I see "first person of color to do this, first to do that"

She's whiter than my ass cheek btw and the supposedly liberal media fuel racism way more than any nationalist republican hiding in the woods and coming out once every 4 years to vote red.

I'm watching all this from across the pond like "What in the holy moly macaroni is that?" Maybe people wouldnt even think about race as much if it wasnt in the media every goshdarn week. Someone must be profiting off of that

If we ignore cancer then maybe cancer will go away?

Thats laughable. America is the beacon for the rest of the world because we have been able to have these uncomfortable conversations.

Well if race is not a real thing but just a concept then its in no way comparable to a disease. Theres no scientific basis for race

Of course there is. What do you make of the incidence of Lactose Intolerance:
The Racism Thread - Page 3 Worldwide_prevalence_of_lactose_intolerance_in_recent_populations

or even Sickle Cell Anemia:
The Racism Thread - Page 3 Fped-08-00038-g001

The idea of race making someone superior or inferior is not based on science, but to say there is no scientific basis of race when we can easily note differences in group health predispositions and trends is silly.

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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by El Gunner Tue Mar 02, 2021 6:22 pm

^^don't be stupid Betty. Health predispositions like those you mentioned can easily be pinned down due to geographical influences and cultural tendencies - not necessarily racial differences.
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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by El Gunner Tue Mar 02, 2021 6:23 pm

Hapless_Hans wrote:Is Messi a person of color?


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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by Young Kaz Tue Mar 02, 2021 7:48 pm

El Gunner wrote:^^don't be stupid Betty. Health predispositions like those you mentioned can easily be pinned down due to geographical influences and cultural tendencies - not necessarily racial differences.

if geographical influences caused these changes then that is SCIENTIFIC based differences based on race.

Also culture has little to do with actual physical differences between the race. Japanese culture includes drinking milk from cow thanks to European Influence. Guess what Japanese people can take.......lactose. Its a racial trait across Asia. We all just deal with the adverse effects it causes for us.

Ignoring the differences that exist in people is dangerous, and leads to higher rate of mortality of minority groups. Like Asian Americans for example become VERY hypertensive eating a western Diet. We, like black Americans, are salt sensitive. While Europeans can take the recommended 2300 mg of sodium per day every health professional will recommend Asians(And Africans) have MUCH less. We adapted differently, and that difference IS Scientific. I aim to have 500-700 of sodium per day and even that is higher than I'd like.

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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by El Gunner Tue Mar 02, 2021 9:51 pm

^^and those differences are due to location and differences in culture/lifestyle and the adaptation/acclimation to culture... these things are not set in stone nor hard facts... let's say an Asian couple moves to America, they have kids and those kids grow up on American food, they will not have those sodium sensitivities to the exact degree that their parents have... and the same Asian couple, if they go on a food plan and increase their sodium intake bit by bit every year, that sodium sensitivity will also decrease.

Those, my friend, aren't hard facts. Comparative truths sure, but not hard facts based on concrete racial differences... just cultural and lifestyle differences.
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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by Hapless_Hans Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:03 am

Young Kaz wrote:
Myesyats wrote:
Young Kaz wrote:

If we ignore cancer then maybe cancer will go away?

Thats laughable. America is the beacon for the rest of the world because we have been able to have these uncomfortable conversations.

Well if race is not a real thing but just a concept then its in no way comparable to a disease. Theres no scientific basis for race

Of course there is. What do you make of the incidence of Lactose Intolerance:
The Racism Thread - Page 3 Worldwide_prevalence_of_lactose_intolerance_in_recent_populations

or even Sickle Cell Anemia:
The Racism Thread - Page 3 Fped-08-00038-g001

The idea of race making someone superior or inferior is not based on science, but to say there is no scientific basis of race when we can easily note differences in group health predispositions and trends is silly.

wow, you're really going to claim that race is a biological category? In 2021? This is not 1935.
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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by Myesyats Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:41 am

El Gunner wrote:^^don't be stupid Betty. Health predispositions like those you mentioned can easily be pinned down due to geographical influences and cultural tendencies - not necessarily racial differences.

I swear just a couple months ago Betty claimed race was a completely made up concept by the white colonizers to make it easier for slave accountants to keep track when selling etc hmm

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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by Young Kaz Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:49 am

El Gunner wrote:^^and those differences are due to location and differences in culture/lifestyle and the adaptation/acclimation to culture... these things are not set in stone nor hard facts... let's say an Asian couple moves to America, they have kids and those kids grow up on American food, they will not have those sodium sensitivities to the exact degree that their parents have... and the same Asian couple, if they go on a food plan and increase their sodium intake bit by bit every year, that sodium sensitivity will also decrease.

Those, my friend, aren't hard facts. Comparative truths sure, but not hard facts based on concrete racial differences... just cultural and lifestyle differences.

Yes, we do.

My Grandparents 3 of my 4 grandparents were born in the west. They are/were all as salt sensitive as my parents, uncles, and even us. You increase your sodium intake every year and you will either be on blood pressure meds in yours 30s(what they forced my own father on) or you will be stroking/heart attacking out in your 50s. These changes occurred over centuries. You cant just move to the Hamptons, claim "We's white now baby!" and change your biology. It doesnt work that way. You have to eat food suited for you. If dairy makes you sick eating a little more every day wont build tolerance to it. All it does is put your body in a constant state of sickness to where you get used to being sick. Thats not how you should treat your body.

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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by Myesyats Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:58 am

El Gunner wrote:^^and those differences are due to location and differences in culture/lifestyle and the adaptation/acclimation to culture... these things are not set in stone nor hard facts... let's say an Asian couple moves to America, they have kids and those kids grow up on American food, they will not have those sodium sensitivities to the exact degree that their parents have... and the same Asian couple, if they go on a food plan and increase their sodium intake bit by bit every year, that sodium sensitivity will also decrease.

Those, my friend, aren't hard facts. Comparative truths sure, but not hard facts based on concrete racial differences... just cultural and lifestyle differences.

And also climate and proximity to the equator
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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by Hapless_Hans Wed Mar 03, 2021 7:08 am

Young Kaz wrote:
El Gunner wrote:^^and those differences are due to location and differences in culture/lifestyle and the adaptation/acclimation to culture... these things are not set in stone nor hard facts... let's say an Asian couple moves to America, they have kids and those kids grow up on American food, they will not have those sodium sensitivities to the exact degree that their parents have... and the same Asian couple, if they go on a food plan and increase their sodium intake bit by bit every year, that sodium sensitivity will also decrease.

Those, my friend, aren't hard facts. Comparative truths sure, but not hard facts based on concrete racial differences... just cultural and lifestyle differences.

Yes, we do.

My Grandparents 3 of my 4 grandparents were born in the west.  They are/were all as salt sensitive as my parents, uncles, and even us. You increase your sodium intake every year and you will either be on blood pressure meds in yours 30s(what they forced my own father on) or you will be stroking/heart attacking out in your 50s. These changes occurred over centuries. You cant just move to the Hamptons, claim "We's white now baby!" and change your biology. It doesnt work that way. You have to eat food suited for you. If dairy makes you sick eating a little more every day wont build tolerance to it. All it does is put your body in a constant state of sickness to where you get used to being sick. Thats not how you should treat your body.

So, how many races are there, then, biologically speaking?
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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by Myesyats Wed Mar 03, 2021 11:45 am

Young Kaz wrote:
El Gunner wrote:^^and those differences are due to location and differences in culture/lifestyle and the adaptation/acclimation to culture... these things are not set in stone nor hard facts... let's say an Asian couple moves to America, they have kids and those kids grow up on American food, they will not have those sodium sensitivities to the exact degree that their parents have... and the same Asian couple, if they go on a food plan and increase their sodium intake bit by bit every year, that sodium sensitivity will also decrease.

Those, my friend, aren't hard facts. Comparative truths sure, but not hard facts based on concrete racial differences... just cultural and lifestyle differences.

Yes, we do.

My Grandparents 3 of my 4 grandparents were born in the west.  They are/were all as salt sensitive as my parents, uncles, and even us. You increase your sodium intake every year and you will either be on blood pressure meds in yours 30s(what they forced my own father on) or you will be stroking/heart attacking out in your 50s. These changes occurred over centuries. You cant just move to the Hamptons, claim "We's white now baby!" and change your biology. It doesnt work that way. You have to eat food suited for you. If dairy makes you sick eating a little more every day wont build tolerance to it. All it does is put your body in a constant state of sickness to where you get used to being sick. Thats not how you should treat your body.

"In fact, all humans in early civilizations become lactose intolerant after the weaning years. It was only during the invention of agriculture some thousands of years ago that allowed cultures in the Western hemisphere to eventually develop lactase persistence."

Yes it takes long to adapt. But even whites werent lactose tolerant back in the day, none "races" were.
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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by Young Kaz Wed Mar 03, 2021 12:47 pm

Hapless_Hans wrote:
Young Kaz wrote:
El Gunner wrote:^^and those differences are due to location and differences in culture/lifestyle and the adaptation/acclimation to culture... these things are not set in stone nor hard facts... let's say an Asian couple moves to America, they have kids and those kids grow up on American food, they will not have those sodium sensitivities to the exact degree that their parents have... and the same Asian couple, if they go on a food plan and increase their sodium intake bit by bit every year, that sodium sensitivity will also decrease.

Those, my friend, aren't hard facts. Comparative truths sure, but not hard facts based on concrete racial differences... just cultural and lifestyle differences.

Yes, we do.

My Grandparents 3 of my 4 grandparents were born in the west.  They are/were all as salt sensitive as my parents, uncles, and even us. You increase your sodium intake every year and you will either be on blood pressure meds in yours 30s(what they forced my own father on) or you will be stroking/heart attacking out in your 50s. These changes occurred over centuries. You cant just move to the Hamptons, claim "We's white now baby!" and change your biology. It doesnt work that way. You have to eat food suited for you. If dairy makes you sick eating a little more every day wont build tolerance to it. All it does is put your body in a constant state of sickness to where you get used to being sick. Thats not how you should treat your body.

So, how many races are there, then, biologically speaking?

That becomes a social opinion. I'd wager 7-8 of what I would consider distinct groups, but then again that is socially constructed.

The differences in medicine and treatment is smaller of course.

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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by Young Kaz Wed Mar 03, 2021 12:48 pm

Myesyats wrote:
Young Kaz wrote:
El Gunner wrote:^^and those differences are due to location and differences in culture/lifestyle and the adaptation/acclimation to culture... these things are not set in stone nor hard facts... let's say an Asian couple moves to America, they have kids and those kids grow up on American food, they will not have those sodium sensitivities to the exact degree that their parents have... and the same Asian couple, if they go on a food plan and increase their sodium intake bit by bit every year, that sodium sensitivity will also decrease.

Those, my friend, aren't hard facts. Comparative truths sure, but not hard facts based on concrete racial differences... just cultural and lifestyle differences.

Yes, we do.

My Grandparents 3 of my 4 grandparents were born in the west.  They are/were all as salt sensitive as my parents, uncles, and even us. You increase your sodium intake every year and you will either be on blood pressure meds in yours 30s(what they forced my own father on) or you will be stroking/heart attacking out in your 50s. These changes occurred over centuries. You cant just move to the Hamptons, claim "We's white now baby!" and change your biology. It doesnt work that way. You have to eat food suited for you. If dairy makes you sick eating a little more every day wont build tolerance to it. All it does is put your body in a constant state of sickness to where you get used to being sick. Thats not how you should treat your body.

"In fact, all humans in early civilizations become lactose intolerant after the weaning years. It was only during the invention of agriculture some thousands of years ago that allowed cultures in the Western hemisphere to eventually develop lactase persistence."

Yes it takes long to adapt. But even whites werent lactose tolerant back in the day, none "races" were.

You noted a difference that took long to happen. Thats a biological adaptation, which makes a biological difference.

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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by Myesyats Wed Mar 03, 2021 1:48 pm

Young Kaz wrote:You noted a difference that took long to happen. Thats a biological adaptation, which makes a biological difference.

That's a result of enviornmental differences. If you get less sun, you have to get vitamin D supplements and drink more milk which naturally contains vitamin D which gives you more lactase persistance as a result. Its the lack of sun in northern countries. White skin is also is a result of low light levels. Colder temperatures and poor diet also contribute to these differences. So saying "there's differences between races" is wrong. The correct statement is "people differ depending on their environmental development and adaptation to habitat".

"The popular classifications of race are based chiefly on skin color, with other relevant features including height, eyes, and hair. Though these physical differences may appear, on a superficial level, to be very dramatic, they are determined by only a minute portion of the genome: we as a species have been estimated to share 99.9% of our DNA with each other. The few differences that do exist reflect differences in environments and external factors, not core biology.

Importantly, the evolution of skin color occurred independently, and did not influence other traits such as mental abilities and behavior. In fact, science has yet to find evidence that there are genetic differences in intelligence  between populations. Ultimately, while there certainly are some biological differences between different populations, these differences are few and superficial. The traits that we do share are far more profound"
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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by El Gunner Wed Mar 03, 2021 1:56 pm

Betty moves the goalposts to wherever it suits his argument
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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by Young Kaz Wed Mar 03, 2021 4:02 pm

Myesyats wrote:
Young Kaz wrote:You noted a difference that took long to happen. Thats a biological adaptation, which makes a biological difference.

That's a result of enviornmental differences. If you get less sun, you have to get vitamin D supplements and drink more milk which naturally contains vitamin D which gives you more lactase persistance as a result. Its the lack of sun in northern countries. White skin is also is a result of low light levels. Colder temperatures and poor diet also contribute to these differences. So saying "there's differences between races" is wrong. The correct statement is "people differ depending on their environmental development and adaptation to habitat".

"The popular classifications of race are based chiefly on skin color, with other relevant features including height, eyes, and hair. Though these physical differences may appear, on a superficial level, to be very dramatic, they are determined by only a minute portion of the genome: we as a species have been estimated to share 99.9% of our DNA with each other. The few differences that do exist reflect differences in environments and external factors, not core biology.

Importantly, the evolution of skin color occurred independently, and did not influence other traits such as mental abilities and behavior. In fact, science has yet to find evidence that there are genetic differences in intelligence  between populations. Ultimately, while there certainly are some biological differences between different populations, these differences are few and superficial. The traits that we do share are far more profound"

Of course the traits we share are more profound, but you note difference. Even based on geographical adaptions, a difference is a difference.

El Gunner wrote:Betty moves the goalposts to wherever it suits his argument

Very Happy

Makes for an interesting convo no?

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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by Myesyats Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:14 pm

Tbf I liked you more before you changed your username with peace & love but I still have to agree you are very interesting to converse with (not that now I don't like you, i just like you a little less Heart)

I love Asian people (not all, my fav is S.Korean and Japanese hmm lets not get carried away) and it makes me sad to hear asian hate crime is up by a gazillion % since the "China virus" rhetoric.
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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by Babun Thu Mar 04, 2021 4:32 am

Myesyats wrote:
Young Kaz wrote:
El Gunner wrote:^^and those differences are due to location and differences in culture/lifestyle and the adaptation/acclimation to culture... these things are not set in stone nor hard facts... let's say an Asian couple moves to America, they have kids and those kids grow up on American food, they will not have those sodium sensitivities to the exact degree that their parents have... and the same Asian couple, if they go on a food plan and increase their sodium intake bit by bit every year, that sodium sensitivity will also decrease.

Those, my friend, aren't hard facts. Comparative truths sure, but not hard facts based on concrete racial differences... just cultural and lifestyle differences.

Yes, we do.

My Grandparents 3 of my 4 grandparents were born in the west.  They are/were all as salt sensitive as my parents, uncles, and even us. You increase your sodium intake every year and you will either be on blood pressure meds in yours 30s(what they forced my own father on) or you will be stroking/heart attacking out in your 50s. These changes occurred over centuries. You cant just move to the Hamptons, claim "We's white now baby!" and change your biology. It doesnt work that way. You have to eat food suited for you. If dairy makes you sick eating a little more every day wont build tolerance to it. All it does is put your body in a constant state of sickness to where you get used to being sick. Thats not how you should treat your body.

"In fact, all humans in early civilizations become lactose intolerant after the weaning years. It was only during the invention of agriculture some thousands of years ago that allowed cultures in the Western hemisphere to eventually develop lactase persistence."

Yes it takes long to adapt. But even whites werent lactose tolerant back in the day, none "races" were.

The term white is not the one I'd use in that context. The practice of drinking milk was more common in West Africa and the caucasus/central Asia. The whites you mention adopted the practice long after mostly from the caucasian/steppe people who were at large lactose tolerant by then.
Myesyats wrote:
Young Kaz wrote:
El Gunner wrote:^^and those differences are due to location and differences in culture/lifestyle and the adaptation/acclimation to culture... these things are not set in stone nor hard facts... let's say an Asian couple moves to America, they have kids and those kids grow up on American food, they will not have those sodium sensitivities to the exact degree that their parents have... and the same Asian couple, if they go on a food plan and increase their sodium intake bit by bit every year, that sodium sensitivity will also decrease.

Those, my friend, aren't hard facts. Comparative truths sure, but not hard facts based on concrete racial differences... just cultural and lifestyle differences.

Yes, we do.

My Grandparents 3 of my 4 grandparents were born in the west.  They are/were all as salt sensitive as my parents, uncles, and even us. You increase your sodium intake every year and you will either be on blood pressure meds in yours 30s(what they forced my own father on) or you will be stroking/heart attacking out in your 50s. These changes occurred over centuries. You cant just move to the Hamptons, claim "We's white now baby!" and change your biology. It doesnt work that way. You have to eat food suited for you. If dairy makes you sick eating a little more every day wont build tolerance to it. All it does is put your body in a constant state of sickness to where you get used to being sick. Thats not how you should treat your body.

"In fact, all humans in early civilizations become lactose intolerant after the weaning years. It was only during the invention of agriculture some thousands of years ago that allowed cultures in the Western hemisphere to eventually develop lactase persistence."

Yes it takes long to adapt. But even whites werent lactose tolerant back in the day, none "races" were.

Not true, the widespread practice arrived later in western Europe. Steppe people weren't bothered much with agriculture in the first place for known reasons (didn't have fertile lands to begin with, all they have was meat, milk and cheese) Very Happy
Myesyats wrote:Tbf I liked you more before you changed your username with peace & love but I still have to agree you are very interesting to converse with (not that now I don't like you, i just like you a little less  Heart)

I love Asian people (not all, my fav is S.Korean and Japanese hmm lets not get carried away) and it makes me sad to hear asian hate crime is up by a gazillion % since the "China virus" rhetoric.

Chinese and Vietnamese people are more interesting from my POV. They're lively, energetic, enthusiastic and certainly have got sense of humor. The Japanese and Koreans I met (not generalising, only the ones I encountered) were more stoic, washed up and they were talking as if the time was in slow motion. I don't know how to describe but conversations with them were tiresome, sense of humor absent most of the time, I had to be careful not to offend them, for they took almost everything literally. The exception was one Japanese woman, she was no different than a Chinese in her temperament.
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The Racism Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Racism Thread

Post by Young Kaz Thu Mar 04, 2021 7:30 am

Myesyats wrote:Tbf I liked you more before you changed your username with peace & love but I still have to agree you are very interesting to converse with (not that now I don't like you, i just like you a little less Heart)

I love Asian people (not all, my fav is S.Korean and Japanese hmm lets not get carried away) and it makes me sad to hear asian hate crime is up by a gazillion % since the "China virus" rhetoric.

Im the same person post name as before.

Why does it make you sad? It isnt any different from before. The only difference now is that since people are at home there is more bandwidth to discuss Asian violence. Most of it is really just a way to pit ethnic minorities against each other since the focus seems to be put on supposed black violence against Asians. Never will we hear about Asia itself though, where you can hardly find a block that does not have a white pedophile preying on Asian women.

Babun wrote:
Myesyats wrote:
Young Kaz wrote:

Yes, we do.

My Grandparents 3 of my 4 grandparents were born in the west.  They are/were all as salt sensitive as my parents, uncles, and even us. You increase your sodium intake every year and you will either be on blood pressure meds in yours 30s(what they forced my own father on) or you will be stroking/heart attacking out in your 50s. These changes occurred over centuries. You cant just move to the Hamptons, claim "We's white now baby!" and change your biology. It doesnt work that way. You have to eat food suited for you. If dairy makes you sick eating a little more every day wont build tolerance to it. All it does is put your body in a constant state of sickness to where you get used to being sick. Thats not how you should treat your body.

"In fact, all humans in early civilizations become lactose intolerant after the weaning years. It was only during the invention of agriculture some thousands of years ago that allowed cultures in the Western hemisphere to eventually develop lactase persistence."

Yes it takes long to adapt. But even whites werent lactose tolerant back in the day, none "races" were.

The term white is not the one I'd use in that context. The practice of drinking milk was more common in West Africa and the caucasus/central Asia. The whites you mention adopted the practice long after mostly from the caucasian/steppe people who were at large lactose tolerant by then.
Myesyats wrote:
Young Kaz wrote:

Yes, we do.

My Grandparents 3 of my 4 grandparents were born in the west.  They are/were all as salt sensitive as my parents, uncles, and even us. You increase your sodium intake every year and you will either be on blood pressure meds in yours 30s(what they forced my own father on) or you will be stroking/heart attacking out in your 50s. These changes occurred over centuries. You cant just move to the Hamptons, claim "We's white now baby!" and change your biology. It doesnt work that way. You have to eat food suited for you. If dairy makes you sick eating a little more every day wont build tolerance to it. All it does is put your body in a constant state of sickness to where you get used to being sick. Thats not how you should treat your body.

"In fact, all humans in early civilizations become lactose intolerant after the weaning years. It was only during the invention of agriculture some thousands of years ago that allowed cultures in the Western hemisphere to eventually develop lactase persistence."

Yes it takes long to adapt. But even whites werent lactose tolerant back in the day, none "races" were.

Not true, the widespread practice arrived later in western Europe. Steppe people weren't bothered much with agriculture in the first place for known reasons (didn't have fertile lands to begin with, all they have was meat, milk and cheese) Very Happy
Myesyats wrote:Tbf I liked you more before you changed your username with peace & love but I still have to agree you are very interesting to converse with (not that now I don't like you, i just like you a little less  Heart)

I love Asian people (not all, my fav is S.Korean and Japanese hmm lets not get carried away) and it makes me sad to hear asian hate crime is up by a gazillion % since the "China virus" rhetoric.

Chinese and Vietnamese people are more interesting from my POV. They're lively, energetic, enthusiastic and certainly have got sense of humor. The Japanese and Koreans I met (not generalising, only the ones I encountered) were more stoic, washed up and they were talking as if the time was in slow motion. I don't know how to describe but conversations with them were tiresome, sense of humor absent most of the time, I had to be careful not to offend them, for they took almost everything literally. The exception was one Japanese woman, she was no different than a Chinese in her temperament.

I mean.....can you blame them? Laughing

I'd certainly keep my guard up being an ethnic minority in Germany. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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