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Roaches  Empty Roaches

Post by Adit Sun Jul 24, 2016 9:33 am

Once upon a time a ship took off from Venice. It's captain was a stubborn but brave man named Merlus Toni. He made that ship with his own hard earned money. He brought a cheap ship for iron price and converted it into one of the biggest ship of that time.

Just before it took off, a group of roaches scrambled into the ship. They were attracted to the gold and glory It was going to bring. Marlus Toni didn't mind them," cheap labor, hurray" he was seen laughing.

The ship sailed into deep sea. It went places no other ship has ever sailed. It unearthed seven hidden treasures in the deep sea. It was filled with gold and glory. Roaches were overjoyed,Marlus Toni made this happen, they sang
"Marlus Toni, oh lord of the ship, king of the sea
We ll serve you till our last breath"

Toni didn't fall for any praise, he was only interested in the goal, which is the first man to reach places no other ship in Venice has ever reached.

A slight problem was arising. While the gold was increasing the food was decreasing at an alarming rate. Roaches didn't care, they were blinded by the gold, so was Marlus Toni. Suddenly one day Marlus Toni's right hand man Jabulani came running. "Lord, there is a hole in the deck, all our food sacks have been destroyed, the ship is sinking"


Roaches heard that. Now roaches being roaches their survival instinct replaced their brain. Roaches started discussing.

Roach 1- "we need to leave the ship now, it's sinking"

Roach 2-"but we have gold"

Roach 3-"you can't eat gold you idiot, let's ask Toni"

Roaches approached Toni and asked him to anchor it somewhere.

Merlus Toni replied "I'm not going to land anywhere, i will go back to Venice with the gold and show everyone who is the king of the sea. The flooding can be stopped,calma"

But flooding was not controllable, ship was damaged badly and was beyond the stage is repair.

Days passed, no one ate anything because there was nothing to eat. Everyone was hungry except Marlus Toni who was still dreaming about the Royal welcome he was going to get in Venice.

One morning a roach woke up and went to pee, nothing was coming because it has been weeks since he last took a zip of water. He looked straight in agony. "Is that an island or am i dreaming?"


Merlus Toni and Jabulani woke up to huge crowd of roaches. They were dancing with joy.

Toni looked through his telescope and said to roaches
"Don't even think about it. It is Kinese island, they will take all our gold for an ounce of food. They will take your babies and eat them,i would rather die here than die there eating dogs, I also heard they eats roaches."

Roaches were angry. They didn't believe Toni, infact they never believed in Toni. All they cared was gold, glory and their survival. Roaches planned siege that night. They waited for midnight.

That evening something unexpected happened. Merlus Toni approached roaches and confessed. "I'm sorry my roaches,i was wrong, I was blinded by the gold. Your life is more valuable to me than worthless piece of metal. We are now heading towards Kinese island"

Roaches rejoiced and felt bad for doubting Merlus Toni.

Days passed, ship was moving at a very slow pace. Roaches asked Toni about it, He replied
"Can't you see, we are five days from Kinese island"

Days passed again, roaches started dying one by one. Roaches approached Merlus Toni again, he replied " this is a ship not a rocket, we are a day away"

Roaches died at a rapid rate, now there remained one last roach. He somehow crawled on his knee and met Toni and asked

"have we reached the island yet sir?"

Toni replied"yes we have, stand there and look for yourself, we have finally reached Kinese island"

The last roach crawled himself to the edge of the ship to see that glorious piece of land that is going to save him and his lineage.

'Bloom', the Roach fell into the sea.

"One good kick in the ass, that's all it takes" laughed Merlus Toni.

Looking at the corpse of roaches marlus Toni shouted to Jabulani

"Burn them all"

A kid from Kinese island was seen running to his home screaming

"Mom,i saw a Phoenix bird, PHOENIX BIRD !!!"
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Roaches  Empty Re: Roaches

Post by Hapless_Hans Sun Jul 24, 2016 10:10 am

Good story.

Everything alright Adit?
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Roaches  Empty Re: Roaches

Post by Andrew Sun Jul 24, 2016 10:45 am

Roaches  Tumblr_m3bgucHfoT1qchnreo1_250

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Roaches  Empty Re: Roaches

Post by Adit Sun Jul 24, 2016 7:51 pm

Ffs what have I done.

*bleep* idukki gold.
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Roaches  Empty Re: Roaches

Post by McAgger Sun Jul 24, 2016 9:02 pm

lol that's way too long to read.

You got tl;dr version
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Roaches  Empty Re: Roaches

Post by Nishankly Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:20 am

Andrew_p wrote:Roaches  Tumblr_m3bgucHfoT1qchnreo1_250
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