Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça

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Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça - Page 21 Empty Re: Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça

Post by BarcaLearning Fri 04 Aug 2017, 08:16

Yea I dont really understand the wanting to be the main star and stepping out of Messi's shadow thing, I hope thats just a small part of it, the main one being the money obviously.... cant blame him for that.

Really enjoyed watching him for us and thought he was going to be our main guy for years to come too...

Im still not sure whether I'll support him at PSG though, still feeling a bit unhappy he chose to leave, but PSG certainly with an exciting team now.

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Post by Myesyats Fri 04 Aug 2017, 10:01

If I was in his position I'd never throw away the chance to play with Messi. But I kinda understand that he wants to be the main main guy, he's very ambitious, and in a team with Leo it's impossible.
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Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça - Page 21 Empty Re: Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça

Post by danyjr Fri 04 Aug 2017, 11:18

BarrileteCosmico wrote:Renewed until 2021 cheers

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Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça - Page 21 Empty Re: Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça

Post by BarrileteCosmico Fri 04 Aug 2017, 14:49


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Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça - Page 21 Empty Re: Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça

Post by futbol Sat 05 Aug 2017, 10:15

futbol wrote:
CBarca wrote:Couple poor performances, some distractions because of international tournaments, contracts etc and all of a sudden Neymar is a mercenary who would leave Barca if there is a bigger paycheck elsewhere.

Nothing to do with his performances, everything to do with his character. He is a sly little shit, always has been. First time I watched him was in a U19 oder U17 game against Argentina where he did nothing but dive and taunt and get an opponent sent of unfairly and laugh about it like a little shit. Can't change one's character, he is what he is. I can smell little shits 2000 miles against the wind.

The moment Messi and Suarez decline in a few years and together with them other senior key players like Iniesta, Alves, Pique and Mascherano as well and the team inevitably faces some barren years (let's face it, under Bartomeu we ain't building shit once the senior players are gone), Neymar will jump ship first. Bookmark this.

futbol wrote:Yeah, we barely get any assertions from him and his people during treble times. The latest was his agent coming out and declaring that everyone would dream of playing for PSG. Laughing Imagine contract negotiations during trouble instead of treble times.

Take € 190M now and run. Barca can buy 3 established world class players with that, with intelligent spending half a squad even, although intelligent spending is ruled out under Bartomeu and friends.

More than 1 year ago.

As always I was right.

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Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça - Page 21 Empty Re: Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça

Post by messixaviesta Sat 05 Aug 2017, 10:20

CBarca wrote: I find that insanely egotistical and I'm not sure why one would want that over playing with the likes of Suarez and Messi

There's always this conundrum about which is better - being a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond. If the pond is too big some fishes do not get the visibility they desire. If the pond is too small then that itself limits the success and the limelight. The trick is to find the right balance. Then there is the vital factor about human psychology. Not everyone thinks or behaves in the same way in similar situations.

Most of the times though I think being a small fish in a big pond is the better option. If you are good enough you will likely get the opportunities to obtain the limelight you desire. For instance Xavi and Iniesta could forever have been said to be in Messi's shadow but by achieving what they did with Spain they proved they could do it without Messi. Also they had such vital contributions in several key games and moments that they got their own share of the credit in spite of Messi's towering presence. I think things could have been similar for Neymar. He had that star turn against PSG last season but what he should ask himself is why couldn't he similarly deliver in the next few matches. If he had played like that some more and won us the UCL, would Messi really get more credit than him? Or if this is not convincing enough then I offer the clincher. If Neymar had won World Cup 2018 with Brazil staying at Barcelona, would Messi or Cristiano still win the Ballon D'or? You could argue that players like Xavi, Iniesta, Kroos and Neuer did not win the Ballon D'or in spite of major contributions in a world cup victory but they did not have the star turn that Neymar is expected to have. They were the defining players in excellent teams but still they were more team players than stars while Neymar is clearly so different. So I really do not see that much of a point in leaving due to greater ambition. Money must have played a major role.

No I am not accusing him of anything. Each individual is free to take his own decisions. Did his decision hurt me? No. I certainly enjoyed seeing him play and he did give me a few memorable moments but not enough to be considered a Barca legend. I never had any major personal connection with him. He is not Messi, Xavi or Iniesta for me. Just a very talented player who came and went.

What I find most significant in this matter though is that he actually expressed desire to leave Barcelona. It's been my belief over the last few years that no star player leaves Barca or Madrid on his own. The Pedro or James kind of case where a player is not getting enough game time is different but an established star of the team has no interest in leaving. This summer this belief of mine was shattered to pieces. Up to even five days before this transfer happened I held the thought that all this was just a game by Neymar to enjoy the summer. It was so hard to believe that he really wanted to leave. Now I am left questioning whether this was a one off in which the opportunity presented to him, especially from a financial point of view, was too good to refuse or is this an indication that we are slipping from the elite status we have long held thanks to our disgusting board.

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Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça - Page 21 Empty Re: Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça

Post by messixaviesta Sat 05 Aug 2017, 11:23

Some more Neymar related thoughts :-

Disclaimer - These are not sour grapes. I have long held these thoughts about Neymar. It's just that I hesitated to share them openly while he was a Barca player. Smile

Not only do I not consider him at Messi's level today but I don't think he can ever reach there. Messi is a freak of nature the likes of which we may not see again. Neymar in comparison is much more of an ordinary mortal.

It could be argued that in the three years they have been together Luis Suarez has contributed more to the Barca team than Neymar.

Also I rate Arjen Robben higher than Neymar. Neymar may have a little more variety but I think Robben at his peak was more explosive and consistently decisive in key moments.

I am seriously surprised by the kind of affection shown to him by some of my fellow Barca fans. I couldn't even dream of shedding a single tear for him.

Finally I am laying the gauntlet down for Neymar - Unless he wins either the world cup or at least one more UCL he would not have done enough to be considered a football legend.

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Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça - Page 21 Empty Re: Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça

Post by zenmaster Sat 05 Aug 2017, 13:29

Enjoyed the stay. Still remember that free kick , a good one ...  free kick against PSG in second leg.

Hope he destroys the Liga 1 inside out.

Will you in CL soon.

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Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça - Page 21 Empty Re: Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça

Post by BarcaLearning Sat 05 Aug 2017, 17:36

Holy sh*t fulbol foresaw this Very Happy

At the end, he just left us for money, thats probably just it, considering his agent and father... I respect him for what hes done for us and his abilities, but to leave like this, I certainly lost some respect for him.
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Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça - Page 21 Empty Re: Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça

Post by windkick Tue 19 Sep 2017, 01:58

2 things I read

1. Neymar has been disposed more times than any other placer in Europes top 5 leagues this season - 23 times.

My thoughts? With us he was probably encouraged to look for the pass more often, while at PSG he is trying to run around and show boat and the club is allowing him to freely do this, hence him trying to dribble every single defender he sees, which will result in him losing the ball allot. What a turd.

2. Apparently him and Cavani had to be separated by Thiago Silva according to lquipe, over the 2 incidences over this past weekend.

My thoughts? Good for Cavani for not being ok with Alves and Neymar trying to punk him like that. He's been there from the start of this garbage PSG project and he shouldn't have to give him anything, at least not in the way it went down. What a turd.
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Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça - Page 21 Empty Re: Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça

Post by messixaviesta Sat 27 Jan 2018, 11:06

How seriously do you take the rumors about Neymar moving to Real Madrid?

A few years earlier I would have laughed it off but after his PSG transfer shocked me completely I can hardly say anything of this kind with conviction.

Does Neymar realize what he is doing? Did he really see PSG as a stop gap to move to Madrid?

Why did he leave Barcelona in the first place? Supposedly he couldn't see himself disposing Messi as top man and he could not accept being anything other than top man.

So he thinks at Madrid he can be top man ahead of Cristiano. Why? He sees himself as a better player than Cristiano or just that Cristiano is older and just possibly past his best?

In spite of the PSG stop gap this will seem like a transfer of a top player directly from Barca to Madrid. Yes we have the Ronaldo case but that was different in some ways. One is that Ronaldo spent only one year with us. The second is that he spent five years at Inter Milan after leaving us, not just one year.

So the closer comparison is with Luis Figo who is still ferociously hated in Barcelona. Does Neymar realize that he could be hated like that and is he well prepared for it?

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Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça - Page 21 Empty Re: Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça

Post by Thimmy Sat 27 Jan 2018, 11:40

Cristiano was past his best last season, as well. He started off the season horribly and even admitted to needing more restitution now than when he was younger, which explains why he was substituted a few times. So far, his performances have been about as underwhelming as they were at the start of last season, only then he stepped up his game after the turn of the year and he had players around him who were able to distract from his ineffectiveness. He turns 33 next month. The time for RM to bring in a new star player upfront is ideal right now. With that being said, it somehow seems unlikely that Neymar will transfer away from PSG so soon after joining them, and I'm honestly sceptical about whether or not RM's financial capacity will warrant splashing their whole budget on a single player. So, no.. I don't take the rumors very seriously. Then again, it's not impossible either.
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Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça - Page 21 Empty Re: Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça

Post by futbol Sat 27 Jan 2018, 16:54

Well, who cares? He's a peak Ribery level player which is fine but not a generational talent. We won the league with 100 points before he joined and we are on the same trajectory after he left. If he wants to return to Messi's shadow he can do that.

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Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça - Page 21 Empty Re: Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça

Post by Doc Sat 27 Jan 2018, 19:38

I'm sure the rumours of Neymar and Madrid are actually quite true as Flo has never made it a secret of his admiration but he isn't going anywhere. Silva has tried and failed. Veratti constantly tries and coincidentally, constantly fails to move. In fact, I think they made him say he loves PSG in a video. When you sign a contract with PSG, they make sure you honour it. Neymar is gonna stay there till they have no more use for him, a prison of gold indeed.

Also, usually side with Futbol on the Neymar stuff, he is an excellent footballer but I too wouldn't call him a generational talent.
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Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça - Page 21 Empty Re: Neymar JR: O Galo do Barça

Post by messixaviesta Sat 27 Jan 2018, 20:34

Doc wrote:When you sign a contract with PSG, they make sure you honour it. Neymar is gonna stay there till they have no more use for him, a prison of gold indeed.

Also, usually side with Futbol on the Neymar stuff, he is an excellent footballer but I too wouldn't call him a generational talent.

That first thought is very interesting. Let's wait and watch.

I too say that Neymar is not at Messi's level and will never be. Moreover I have some concerns over his attitude as well.

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